A survey targeting escape room enthusiasts was open for completion from late October to November, 2020. Lee-Fay Low compiled the raw results into the following summary of selected results. A total of 261 people completed this survey. The current version of this survey is v1.4.

Randy Hum of Escape Rumors has made an interactive visual dashboard with this data!
Errol Elumir has played adventure games ever since they were text on screens loading from cassette tapes. He would put the number of Escape Rooms he’s played but it keeps changing so you can just check his play log. He loves clever puzzle designs and has helped run the Cryptex Hunt and large scale theatrical escape events. He also is one of the four co-hosts of the Room Escape Divas, a podcast dedicated to escape rooms. You can find him helping out with the annual Enthusiast Survey, the Top Escape Rooms Project, or even giving seminars. There are two places you can talk to him: one is twitter and the other is the ER Enthusiast Discord. He likes talking. You have been warned.